Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Praktische Beispiele aus dem industriellen Einsatz

1) Einsatzbereich auswählen:
    Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie)

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APP N° 787

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Frequency control of electric motors
The frequency of electric motors should be controlled.

APP N° 781

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Mesh control on metal braided hoses
Meshes on metal braided hoses should be controlled.

APP N° 780

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Meshes control on fabric hoses
The meshes of a braided hose should be controlled.

APP N° 700

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Color measurement of anodized aluminum parts
The color of anodized aluminum parts should be measured.

APP N° 515

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Coating control at the front side of film capacitors
The double coating at the front side of film capacitors should be controlled.

APP N° 514

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Casting compound control at capacitor housings
The casting compound of capacitor housings should be controlled.

APP N° 407

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Detection of plastic residues on the start of metal thread
Plastic residues on the start of metal threads should be detected.

APP N° 398

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Presence control of small metal plates on a copper contact
The presence of a small and thin metal plate should be detected.

APP N° 388

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Wafer edge detection
The edges of wafers with a thickness of 80µm should be detected.

APP N° 339

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Metal sheet height control on rewinders and unwinders in the stamping industry
The position of metal stripes on re- and unwinders should be controlled. At this, it has to be taken into account that the metal stripes, especially the small bands, are oscillating and the acceleration can be very high.

APP N° 333

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Frequency control of industrial ventilators
Ventilators for industrial purposes should be frequency checked. Furthermore the direction of rotation should be controlled.

APP N° 303

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Dome height inspection of lead frames
The height of the domes on lead frames should be controlled. Even a transparent coating can be controlled.

APP N° 291

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Lead frame gloss control
The gloss of lead frames should be controlled. At this, the surface where the semiconductor chip should be placed can be blank or rough.

APP N° 261

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Overfilling control of SMD LEDs
The level of transparent casting compound in SMD LEDs should be controlled with regard to overfilling.

APP N° 260

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Underfilling control of SMD LEDs
The level of transparent casting compound in SMD LEDs should be controlled with a view to underfilling.

APP N° 250

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Presence control of a primer on black anodized aluminum
The presence of a primer coating on black anodized aluminum should be controlled.

APP N° 249

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Sealing bead presence control
The presence of a sealing bead on aluminum housing should be controlled. Gaps should be detected.

APP N° 245

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Color mark detection on an optical fiber
Color marks should be detected on optical fibers. The rate of feed is around 10m/s.

APP N° 244

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Color control of the coating of an optical fiber
The coating of an optical fiber should be controlled. At this, cuttings and soiling should be detected, even at a product speed of up to 10m/s.

APP N° 236

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Detection of uninsulated cables in a twisted cable assembly
Uninsulated cables should be detected in a twisted cable assembly.

APP N° 221

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Presence control of grease in an electrical component
The presence of grease on a metal part inside an electrical component should be checked.

APP N° 208

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Detection of a photosensitive stripe on a metal plate
A photosensitive stripe should be detected on a metal sheet. At this, lightning sources which are working in the visible range cannot be used.

APP N° 188

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Inline color control of insulated cables
During the production the color of a plastic insulation should be controlled (e.g. brown and red insulated cables). At this the gloss of the plastic surface can be changing due to temperature and humidity changes. Therefore a sensor should be used which is independent of the gloss of the surface.

APP N° 170

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Diameter control of a metal wire with and without insulation
The diameter of a wire without insulation (Ø 50µm) should be differentiated from a wire with insulation (Ø 110µm).

APP N° 154

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Detection of the distance holders of a filament in a bulb
The position of the distance holders of a filament should be controlled. There is only a chance to use a reflective system due to space reasons. The bulb together with the filament and the holders can be moved position controlled.

APP N° 145

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Differentiation of coated wires from uncoated wires
Wires of approximately 0.12mm in diameter must be coated and it should be monitored, whether the coating is present or not.

APP N° 138

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Eccentricity control of an aluminum drive disk
The eccentricity of an aluminum driving disk, which is used for winding and rewinding of film strips, should be controlled with an accuracy of approximately 10µm.

APP N° 125

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Positioning of a filament in a bulb
A filament must be positioned precisely into a bulb. It should be noted that the filament can be bent, thus the end of the filament lies not on the symmetrical axis of the bulb. The inner diameter of the bulb is equal to approximately 1.8mm and the diameter of the filament is around 0.3mm.

APP N° 114

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Differentiation between single-colored and two-colored cables
During the coiling process of cables it has to be checked, whether monochromatic or dichromatic cables will be winded. At this the cables will be transported with a speed of 15 m/s and the cable will be turned 360° in 0.5 seconds around the axis. This turn around its axis can be used for color control. The smallest diameter of the cables is Ø 1.35 mm and the biggest diameter is around Ø 3mm. To produce a two-colored cable, a single-colored cable is used and a line with a width of approximately 0.8mm will be painted onto the cable, hence a white light spot with a diameter of Ø 0.7mm is used for color control.

APP N° 107

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Pin width control of electrical components
The width of the pins of an electrical component should be controlled.

APP N° 106

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Pin height control of electrical components
The height of the pins of an electrical component should be controlled during the production.

APP N° 102

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Spiral position control on a filament
The position of the spiral coil on a filament for the light bulb industry must be controlled. There are two different types of spirals, different in gapping, on the filament. The speed of the filament is approximately 0.02m/s, the diameter of the filament is dependent of the type (min. 0.3mm and max. 1.5mm) and the maximum gapping of the spiral is 1mm.

APP N° 91

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Differentiation of a unicolor and a bicolor cable
During the production of cables a differentiation between unicolor and bicolor cable is necessary. The production maximum speed of the cable is approximately 15m/s and the diameter of the smallest cable is around 1.35mm. The cable is rotating around the axis in 0.5 seconds 360° at this velocity. The color stripe of the bicolor cable has a width of about 0.8mm.

APP N° 56

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Measurement of the height difference of holographic encoder disks
The height of holographic encoder disks must be controlled in a non contact way.

APP N° 54

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Soldering flux control during the selective flux application
Selective soldering in combination with selective flux application becomes more and more popular. Especially manufacturers of mixed assembled PCB boards benefit from this new technology. Only the areas which will be soldered will be covered from the soldering flux. To achieve this, a piezo nozzle is used to generate small flux droplets with a diameter of a few tenth of a millimeter. At this the scattering angle is very small which make sure, that the droplets strike only the scheduled area. The amount as well as the direction of the droplets should be controlled.

APP N° 49

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Control of the eccentricity of the shaft of an electrical tooth brush
The frequency as well as the amplitude of the eccentric of an electric tooth brush should be controlled.

APP N° 48

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
LED color control
On an electrical toothbrush the color of the LEDs should be controlled. Furthermore the ON/OFF times of the LEDs should be determined, too.

APP N° 26

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Groove and gap detection on wire-wound armature
The gaps as well as the milled grooves on wire-wound armatures should be detected during the electronic balancing process. The maximum speed is around 2500 revolutions per minute.

APP N° 6

Semiconductor Industry / Electrical Industrie (Halbleiterindustrie / Elektroindustrie) 
Detection of the bonding surface of raw material for PCBs
The raw material of the printed circuit board is normally placed on a coil as an “endless” belt and anywhere on the belt there is a bonding surface which has to be detected during the unwinding.


•   PPMA Show 2024
 •   Fakuma 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025



TAGTEC - auf der Suche nach dem Verborgenen
(Markerbasiertes Sortieren mit TAGTEC Technologie)

Unterscheidung von Rezyklattypen mittels NIR während des Recyclingprozesses
(Kunststoffartunterscheidung bei Rezyklaten mittels NIR)

Carbon Black - nicht gleich schwarzsehen, sondern Schwarz detektieren
(Unterscheidung von Carbon Black Rezyklatmaterial mittels MIR)

Farbmessung von Rezyklaten im Recyclingprozess
(Farbunterscheidung von Rezyklaten)

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  Sensorsysteme für die Plastikrecyclingindustrie
Farbmessung von Rezyklaten




  Rezyklate direkt beim Spritzgießen und der Extrusion prüfen
NIR-Verfahren zur Inline-Kontrolle von Recycling-kunststoffen
Kunststoffe 2/2024


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Sensorsysteme zur Rezyklat-Kontrolle in der Kunststoffindustrie fürs Labor und Inline
Kontrolle der Kunststoffart von Rezyklaten und Neuware mit Hilfe der NIR-Technologie

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Detektion von Dellen und Beulen auf Metall-Stanzbändern
(N° 801)
Unterscheidung von Leder-, Textil- und Kunststoff- Interieurkomponenten
(N° 802)
Farbmessung von Kunststoffdeckeln
(N° 803)


... Oberflächenspannung?
... Ölverdunstung?
... Ölschichtdickenmessung?



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