Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
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Controle e medição de cor

N° 234

Fluorescence color sensor type SPECTRO-3-FIO-BL/OR-JR
The fluorescence color sensor SPECTRO-3-FIO-BL/OR-JR is using ultra bright blue LED. At this, the blue light will be converted from a suitable object (marker) into the upper visible wavelength range, but only the visible light above the yellow range will be used at the receiver side. Normally the efficiency of the fluorescence material (marker) is very weak, thus a high amplification with a strong optical filtering is required from the sensor side. Due to the power consumption of the bright blue LED, a side heat sink is provided. The sensor can be used in connection with an optical fiber type R-S-A3.0-(3.0)-1200-67° and an optical frontend type KL-9-A3.0. In connection with a spacer type A3.0-OFL, A3.0-OFL-SHIFT or KL-3/4/5/8/9-OFL the system can used as a hand held device.

Controle e medição de cor

N° 233

Fluorescence contrast sensor type SPECTRO-1-FIO-GN/OR
The fluorescence contrast sensor SPECTRO-1-FIO-GN/OR is using ultra bright green LED. At this, the green light will be converted from a suitable object (marker) into the upper visible wavelength range, but only the visible light above the yellow range will be used at the receiver side. Normally the efficiency of the fluorescence material (marker) is very weak, thus a high amplification with a strong optical filtering is required from the sensor side. Due to the power consumption of the bright blue LED, a side heat sink is provided. The sensor can be used in connection with an optical fiber type R-S-A3.0-(3.0)-1200-67° and an optical frontend type KL-9-A3.0. In connection with a spacer type A3.0-OFL, A3.0-OFL-SHIFT or KL-3/4/5/8/9-OFL the system can used as a hand held device.

Controle e medição de cor

N° 232

Fluorescence color sensor type SPECTRO-3-FIO-GN/OR-JR
The fluorescence color sensor SPECTRO-3-FIO-GN/OR-JR is using ultra bright green LED. At this, the green light will be converted from a suitable object (marker) into the upper visible wavelength range, but only the visible light above the yellow range will be used at the receiver side. Normally the efficiency of the fluorescence material (marker) is very weak, thus a high amplification with a strong optical filtering is required from the sensor side. Due to the power consumption of the bright green LED, a side heat sink is provided. The sensor can be used in connection with an optical fiber type R-S-A3.0-(3.0)-1200-67° and an optical frontend type KL-9-A3.0. In connection with a spacer type A3.0-OFL, A3.0-OFL-SHIFT or KL-3/4/5/8/9-OFL the system can used as a hand held device.

Controle e medição de cor

N° 231

Fluorescence contrast sensor type SPECTRO-1-FIO-BL/OR
The fluorescence contrast sensor SPECTRO-1-FIO-BL/OR is using ultra bright blue LED. At this, the blue light will be converted from a suitable object (marker) into the upper visible wavelength range, but only the visible light above the yellow range will be used at the receiver side. Normally the efficiency of the fluorescence material (marker) is very weak, thus a high amplification with a strong optical filtering is required from the sensor side. Due to the power consumption of the bright blue LED, a side heat sink is provided. The sensor can be used in connection with an optical fiber type R-S-A3.0-(3.0)-1200-67° and an optical frontend type KL-9-A3.0. In connection with a spacer type A3.0-OFL, A3.0-OFL-SHIFT or KL-3/4/5/8/9-OFL the system can used as a hand held device.

Controle e medição de cor

N° 230

Fluorescence color sensor type SPECTRO-3-FIO-UV/VIS-JR
The fluorescence contrast sensor SPECTRO-3-FIO-UV/VIS-JR is using UV - LED. The UV - light will be converted from a suitable object into the visible wavelength range, but only the visible light above 450nm will be used at the receiver side. Normally the efficiency of the fluorescence material (e.g. oil) is very weak, thus a high amplification with a strong optical filtering is required from the sensor side. Due to the power consumption of the bright UV - LED, a side heat sink is provided. The sensor can be used in connection with an optical fiber type R-S-A3.0-(3.0)-1200-22°-UV and an optical frontend type KL-9-A3.0. Additionally, in using the A3.0-OFL, the A3.0-OFL-SHIFT or alternatively the KL-3/4/5/8/9-OFL, the system can be used as a hand held device.

Controle e medição de cor

N° 229

Fluorescence contrast sensor type SPECTRO-1-FIO-UV/VIS
The fluorescence contrast sensor SPECTRO-1-FIO-UV/VIS is using UV - LED. The UV - light will be converted from a suitable object into the visible wavelength range, but only the visible light above 450nm will be used at the receiver side. Normally the efficiency of the fluorescence material (e.g. oil) is very weak, thus a high amplification with a strong optical filtering is required from the sensor side. Due to the power consumption of the bright UV - LED, a side heat sink is provided. The sensor can be used in connection with an optical fiber type R-S-A3.0-(3.0)-1200-22°-UV and an optical frontend type KL-9-A3.0. Additionally, in using the A3.0-OFL, the A3.0-OFL-SHIFT or alternatively the KL-3/4/5/8/9-OFL, the system can be used as a hand held device.

Medição de distância e posicionamento

N° 228

Laser displacement sensor type L-LAS-LT-80-SL
The laser distance sensor L-LAS-LT-80-SL comes with a measurement range of approximately 80mm, whereby the measurement range begins at roughly 40mm object distance from the sensor. The maximum scan frequency is around 5 kHz and furthermore, the sensor has an extremely high dynamic range.

Rotulagem e rastreamento de produto

N° 227

Fluorescence detector type LUMI-MOBILE-FED-SL-IR/IR
The compact fluorescence sensor LUMI-MOBILE-FED-SL-IR/IR evaluates a time delayed IR - response from up to five suitable fluorescent markers. At this, the time constant as well as the intensity of the markers can be stored in the system.

Rotulagem e rastreamento de produto

N° 226

Fluorescence detector type LUMI-MOBILE-CL-IR/IR
The compact fluorescence sensor LUMI-MOBILE-CL-IR/IR evaluates a time delayed IR - response from a suitable fluorescent marker. At this, the time constant as well as the intensity of a marker can be stored in the system.

Controle e medição de cor

N° 225

Fluorescence color sensor type SPECTRO-3-30-BL/OR-CL
The fluorescence color sensor SPECTRO-3-30-BL/OR-CL is using blue LEDs. The blue light will be converted from a suitable object into the visible wavelength range above the yellow range. Normally the efficiency of the fluorescence material is very weak, thus a high amplification with a strong optical filtering is required from the sensor side. Due to the power consumption of the bright blue LEDs, a side heat sink is provided. In combination with an optional available spacer, the system can be used as a hand held device.

Controle e medição de cor

N° 224

Fluorescence color sensor type SPECTRO-3-30-GN/OR-CL
The fluorescence color sensor SPECTRO-3-30-GN/OR-CL is using green LEDs. The green light will be converted from a suitable object into the visible wavelength range above the yellow range. Normally the efficiency of the fluorescence material is very weak, thus a high amplification with a strong optical filtering is required from the sensor side. Due to the power consumption of the bright green LEDs, a side heat sink is provided. In combination with an optional available spacer, the system can be used as a hand held device.

Controle e medição de cor

N° 223

Fluorescence color sensor type SPECTRO-3-FIO-UV/OR-JR
The fluorescence contrast sensor SPECTRO-3-FIO-UV/OR-JR is using UV-LED. The UV light will be converted from a suitable object into the visible wavelength range, but only the visible light above the yellow range will be used at the receiver side. Normally the efficiency of the fluorescence material (e.g. oil) is very weak, thus a high amplification with a strong optical filtering is required from the sensor side. Due to the power consumption of the bright UV-LED, a side heat sink is provided. The sensor can be used in connection with an optical fiber type R-S-A3.0-(3.0)-1200-22°-UV and an optical frontend typ KL-9-A3.0.

Controle e medição de cor

N° 222

Color inline measurement sensor with onboard white balance calibration unit type SPECTRO-3-28-45°/0°-ICAL
The inline color measurement sensor type SPECTRO-3-28-45°/0°-ICAL comes with an integrated white balance calibration unit. The white balance can be activated with an +24V input signal e.g. from a PLC, at this, the color sensor will be turned by 90° and directed onto a white ceramic tile, afterwards the sensor takes again the starting position.

Controle e medição de cor

N° 221

Fluorescence contrast sensor type SPECTRO-1-30-GN/OR
The fluorescence contrast sensor SPECTRO-1-30-GN/OR is using green LEDs. The green light will be converted from a suitable object into the red wavelength range. Normally the efficiency of the fluorescence material is very weak, thus a high amplification with a strong optical filtering is required from the sensor side. Due to the power consumption of the bright green LEDs, a side heat sink is provided. In combination with an optional available spacer, the system can be used as a hand held device.

Controle e medição de cor

N° 220

Fluorescence contrast sensor type SPECTRO-1-FIO-UV/OR
The fluorescence contrast sensor SPECTRO-1-FIO-UV/OR is using UV-LED. The UV-light will be converted from a suitable object into the visible wavelength range, but only the visible light above the yellow range will be used at the receiver side. Normally the efficiency of the fluorescence material (e.g. oil) is very weak, thus a high amplification with a strong optical filtering is required from the sensor side. Due to the power consumption of the bright UV - LED, a side heat sink is provided. The sensor can be used in connection with an optical fiber type R-S-A3.0-(3.0)-1200-22°-UV and an optical frontend type KL-9-A3.0.

Controlador de superfícies e medição do brilho

N° 219

Metal strip height control type FLB-MSHC-1020
The metal sheet height limit control system FLB-MSHC-1020 can be used e.g. in the stamping technology especially in connection with unwinders and rewinders. The detecting range is approximately 950mm, 24 light barriers are arranged at a distance of 40mm to each other (exceptions build the outer light barriers: 55mm to the direct neighbor). At this, the maximum distance between transmitter and receiver is 200mm. The system delivers an analog voltage (0V … +10V) as well as current (4mA … 20mA) signal. Both signals inform about the current position of the metal strip.

Controlador de superfícies e medição do brilho

N° 218

Folha de

Metal strip height control type FLB-MSHC-600
The metal sheet height limit control system FLB-MSHC-600 can be used e.g. in the stamping technology especially in connection with unwinders and rewinders. The detecting range is approximately 500mm, 24 light barriers are arranged at a distance of 16mm to each other (exceptions build the outer light barriers: 85mm to the direct neighbor). The system delivers an analog voltage (0V … +10V) as well as current (4mA … 20mA) signal. At this, the maximum distance between transmitter and receiver is 200mm.

Fibras óticas e acessórios

N° 217

Optical frontend type KL-8-R2.1-UV
The optical frontend type KL-8-R2.1-UV can be used in connection with the contrast sensor type SPECTRO-1-FIO-UVC/UVC and the SPECTRO-2-FIO-(UVC/UVC)/(UVC/UVC) in connection with an optical quartz fiber type R-S-R2.1-(6x1)-1200-22°-UV.

Fibras óticas e acessórios

N° 216

Optical frontend type KL-D-50°-10-R2.1
The optical frontend KL-D-50°-10-R2.1 can be used in connection with an optical fiber type D-S-R2.1-(6x1)-1200-67°. At this, the recommended distance to the object is 10mm and the spot size at this distance is approximately 4mm x 0.7mm.

Fibras óticas e acessórios

N° 215

Flange attachment plate type KL-D-45°/0°-22-d80/d110-A3.0 for gauge glasses to measure the color of objects behind the glass plate
The KL-D-45°/0°-22-d80/d110-A3.0 can be installed on a gauge glass to measure the color of objects behind the glass plate. The distance to the object is around 22mm, the detecting area is around 20mm in diameter and the angle between transmitter and receiver is 45°. At this, either the transmitter optical fiber or the receiver fiber is directed perpendicular onto the object (0°/45°-method or 45°/0°-method). The flange can be used in connection with an optical fiber type D-S-A3.0-(3.0)-1200-67° with the color measurement system SPECTRO-3-FIO-MSM-DIG-VIS or SPECTRO-3-FIO-MSM-ANA-VIS.


Participação em exposições:

 •   PPMA Show 2024
 •   Fakuma 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025


Comunicados de imprensa:

in search of the hidden

(Marker-based sorting with TAGTEC technology)

Differentiation of recyclate types using NIR during the recycling process
(Plastic type differentiation of recyclates using NIR)

Clarity in Darkness - detect in Carbon Black
(Differentiation of Carbon Black recyclate material using MIR)

Color measurement of recyclates in the recycling process
(Color differentiation of recyclates)



Sistemas de sensores para a indústria de reciclagem de plástico
Medição de cor de reciclados



Artigo especializado:

Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recycled Plastics ()
Plastics Insights 3/2024


Livros brancos:

Sensor systems for recyclate control in the plastics industry for laboratory and inline use ()
Checking the plastic type of recyclates and virgin material using NIR technology ()


Novos aplicações:

Detecção de mossas e amolgadelas em fitas de punção metálicas
(N° 801)

Distinção de componentes interiores de couro e plástico
(N° 802)
Medição de cor das tampas plásticas
(N° 803)


... tensão superficial?
... evaporação de óleo?
... a medição da espessura da
    camada de óleo?


Novo software:

SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope V1.5 (2021.10.20)



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