Sensor Instruments
Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH
Schlinding 15
D-94169 Thurmansbang
Telefon +49 8544 9719-0
Telefax +49 8544 9719-13

Exemplos prácticos de uso industrial

1) Selecione uma área de aplicação:
    Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie)

2) Selecione um idioma:

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APP N° 779

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Color-gloss control of lacquered metal sheets
Lacquered metal sheets should be controlled with regard to the color and gloss.
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APP N° 770

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Gloss measurement of sandpapers
The gloss factor of sandpapers should be measured.
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APP N° 768

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Color measurement of lacquered aluminum plates
The color of lacquered aluminum plates should be measured.
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APP N° 767

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Gloss measurement of painted aluminum plates
The gloss factor of lacquered aluminum plates should be measured.
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APP N° 766

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Gloss measurement on decorative films
The gloss factor should be measured on different decorative films.
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APP N° 732

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Detection of a gap between vinyl layers
A gap between vinyl layers should be detected.
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APP N° 720

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Color mark detection on wood plates
Color marks on wood plates should be detected. It should be noted that the color marks are black, green or red lines with a width of around 2mm.
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APP N° 655

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Thickness control of a transparent adhesive layer on a UV fluorescent transparent plastic film
The thickness of a transparent glue on a transparent but fluorescent plastic film should be measured.
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APP N° 654

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Detection of fluorescent coating on black leather
A gap with a width of 5mm in the fluorescent coating on a black leather surface should be detected.

APP N° 638

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Color control of trims
Trims should be color controlled.
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APP N° 601

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Differentiation of diverse hazy metal parts
Diverse hazy metal components should be differentiated.

APP N° 592

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Moisture control of wood pellets
The moisture of wood pellets should be controlled.

APP N° 581

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Moisture control of timber
The moisture of timber should be controlled.
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APP N° 564

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Joint sealing color control on fiber boards
The color as well as the presence of the joint sealing of fiber boards should be detected.
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APP N° 551

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Lacquer surface weight control
The lacquer surface weight on furniture plates should be controlled. Investigations have shown that there is a proportional relation between the color space siM - parameters of the liquid paint on the pressing roll and the surface weight of the lacquer on the panel. However, the proportionality factor is dependent of the color and has to be calibrated for the respective paint.
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APP N° 546

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Differentiation of High Density Fiberboards (HDF-boards)
Treated High Density Fiberboards should be differentiated. At this, one board is wood sanded, the 2nd board is wood sanded with first sealer and the 3rd board is wood sanded with first sealer and lacquer sanded.
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APP N° 521

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Gloss measurement of anodized guide rails
The gloss of anodized aluminum guide rails should be inline measured.
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APP N° 520

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Color measurement of anodized aluminum stripes
The color of anodized aluminum stripes should be measured inline.
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APP N° 390

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Color control of plastic window profiles
Plastic profiles which are used for casement frames should be color controlled.
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APP N° 371

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Chromium plating presence control
The presence of chromium plating on a metal part should be controlled.
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APP N° 365

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Color control of lacquered metal sheets
Lacquered metal sheets should be color differentiated. Even metallic paints must be color controlled.
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APP N° 344

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Double sheet control of veneers
During the transportation of veneers, it should be controlled whether one or more than one veneer was picked up from a handling system.
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APP N° 340

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Color control of grooves on MDF plates
Grooves on MDF plates should be color controlled. In case of failure the MDF background color can be seen.
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APP N° 336

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Detection of fluorescent marks on wooden board
Fluorescent marks should be detected on wooden boards. At this, two marks which are close together should be proper detected.
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APP N° 272

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Detection of an adhesive tape on plastic flooring
An adhesive tape, which has the task to combine the two ends of the plastic flooring, should be detected. At this, the plastic flooring can be different in color; the tape, however, is either yellow or brown in color.
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APP N° 271

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Detection of glue on a plastic film
The presence of a glue layer on a plastic film should be detected. Almost the whole width of the plastic film should be controlled. The glue is slightly UV fluorescent, whereas the plastic film is UV neutral.
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APP N° 214

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Detection of the presence of final UV fluorescent coating of laminate
The presence of the upper layer of a laminate should be controlled. At this, the layer is UV fluorescent.
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APP N° 206

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Color differentiation of brown plastic door seals
Two different brown colored plastic seals should be differentiated.
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APP N° 205

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Color differentiation of plastic stripes
Different colored plastic stripes should be differentiated.
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APP N° 197

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Inline color control of abrasive material
Abrasive band material should be inline color controlled.
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APP N° 182

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Detection of a colored line on a MDF plate
A red colored line should be detected on the surface of a MDF plate. At this, the color of the stripe differs in intensity and slightly in color. Furthermore the structure of the MDF surface can also changing from coarse to fine.
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APP N° 146

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Detection of knots and bark in wooden stakes
Wooden stakes should be produced free of knots and bark.
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APP N° 104

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Inline diameter control of wooden staff
During the production of wooden staff the diameter must be controlled while the rod is moved.
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APP N° 100

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Gloss inline measurement after the varnish of doors
Immediately after the varnish of the doors the gloss factor should be controlled. Tests have shown that the amount of varnish, which will be sprayed onto the door surface, influences the gloss factor. If not enough varnish is used the surface becomes rough.
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APP N° 88

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Fluorescent glue control on an abrasive belt
During the production of abrasive belt material with a 10mm wide glue stripe the presence of the fluorescent glue must be observed. Defects greater than 2mm in length must be proper detected. The distance of the sensor head to the object should be approximately 20mm and the detecting range around 2mm x 10mm.
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APP N° 87

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Inline gloss measurement on abrasive belts
The gloss factor is a significant parameter for the surface quality, the roughness, of an abrasive belt. Thus a gloss measurement inline sensor should be used for quality control of the abrasive surface.
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APP N° 77

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Edge control of abrasive belts
The edges of abrasive belts must be grinded to a certain degree. Thus, the degree of grinding should be controlled.
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APP N° 74

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Inline gloss measurement of plastic films and laminated plates
During the production of plastic films as well as of laminated plates the gloss factor should be measured.
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APP N° 67

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Inline gloss control in the furniture industry
During the manufacturing process of doors just after the painting line the amount of color must be controlled.
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APP N° 66

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Color monitoring in the furniture industry
During the manufacturing process of doors the color must be controlled and monitored. At this the color will be sprayed with spray nozzles, which are mounted on a robot, onto the doors. Just after this process but before the drying process the color should be controlled.
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APP N° 51

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Control of margined abrasive belts
Different sanding belts are equipped with a margin and this margin has to be controlled. The margin can be present on the sanding side of the abrasive belt or on the rear side. Furthermore the margin can be darker than the rear side but mostly it is brighter than the sanding surface. Nevertheless there is a sufficient difference in contrast between the margin and the rear side or the sanding side.
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APP N° 47

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Color detection of fluorescent marks on wood plates
On wooden plates defects will be marked with a fluorescent marker. The fluorescent mark has normally a width of about 15mm and it can happen, that two of this marks lie 20 mm away of each other, but must be detected as two separate marks. Furthermore the fluorescent marks should be detected at a distance of 200 mm to the object and even a mark with a width of 5mm should be detected.

APP N° 21

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Spremljanje in shranjevanje podatkov o barvi
Vse več uporabnikov barvnih senzorjev SPECTRO – 3 vprašuje po programski opremi za spremljanje in shranjevanje podatkov. Proizvajalci neskončnih materialov kot so plastične folije ( npr. za pohištvo, papirje, avtomobilsko industrijo) potrebujejo na liniji ne samo sensor za 100% spremljanje kvalitete ampak tudi za beleženje in shranjevanje podatkov, ki omogočajo dokumentiranje naziva ali številke izdelka, številko naročila, ime operaterja, čas in datum zajema podatkov itd. Nadalje, senzorski sistem naj obvesti tudi trend spreminjanja barve produkta in s tem pripomore k sprejemanju odločitev operaterja za korekcijo le-teh.

Color signal recording and color signal monitoring
More and more users of the SPECTRO-3 color sensors are asking for a color monitoring and color recording software. The manufacturers of endless materials like plastic foils (e.g. furniture, paper and automotive industry) and the fabricators of laminated medium density fiberboards (MDF) needs an inline sensor system not only for a 100% - quality control but beyond that a system for color signal recording, which allows also to document data like product number, customer name or number, order number, operator name, time and date. Furthermore, the sensor system should inform the operator about the color trend of the product, thus possible countermeasures can be duly initiated.
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APP N° 18

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Kontrola vzporednosti tekočih trakov v lesni in paprni industriji
V lesni industriji, npr. pri proizvodnji MDF plošč (medium density fiberboards) kakor tudi v papirni industriji se uporabljajo posebni tekoči trakovi. Vzporednost le-teh mora biti v tolerancah +/- 0,2 mm, pri čemer pa se vertikalna pozicija le-teh lahko spreminja v območju +/- 2 mm. Material iz katerega so izdelani trakovi je lahko nerjavno jeklo ali plastična tkanina.

Lateral position control of conveyor belts in the wood and paper industry
In the wood industry (during the production e.g. of MDFs = medium density fiberboards) as well as in the paper industry, special conveyor belts are in use. The lateral position of the band material must be hold in a range of ±0.2mm, whereas the vertical position can change in the range of ±2mm. The material of the conveyor belt is either stainless steel or plastic fabric.
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APP N° 5

Furniture Industry / Wood-working Industry (Möbelindustrie / Holzindustrie) 
Kontrola furnirja pri izdelavi vrat
1. Detekcija rahlo ožganega dela furnirja pri proizvodnji vrat:
Med fazo lepljenja furnir ja na podlago (mdf – plate) na liniji lahko pride do zastoja ali zaustavitve le-ta zaradi različnih vzrokov, tako se lahko zgodi, da grelec vročega zraka lokalno pregreje furnir ali pride do njegovega odstopanja od podlage. Z barvnim detektorjem lahko ugotovimo odstopanje in/ ali barvno spremembo furnirja na tem mestu.
2. Zaznava razlike med belim svetlečim in belim mat furnirjem:
Naloga je zaznati razliko med belim svetlečim in belim mat furnirjem.

Veneer control during the door production
1. Detection of slightly burned veneer zones and veneer tear-off during the door production:
The veneer will be glued onto the mdf plate during the movement, however, if the process will be interrupted due to any reason, it can happen, that the hot air gun, which will be used normally to warm up the glue, scorches or burns the veneer surface slightly. Furthermore the color sensor should detect a veneer tear-off.
2. Differentiation between white glossy veneer and white matt veneer:
The task is to distinguish between white glossy and white matt veneer.


Participação em exposições:

 •   PPMA Show 2024
 •   Fakuma 2024
 •   Plastics Recycling World Expo
North America 2024
 •   PRS Asia 2024
 •   PRS India 2024
 •   European Coatings Show 2025


Comunicados de imprensa:

in search of the hidden

(Marker-based sorting with TAGTEC technology)

Differentiation of recyclate types using NIR during the recycling process
(Plastic type differentiation of recyclates using NIR)

Clarity in Darkness - detect in Carbon Black
(Differentiation of Carbon Black recyclate material using MIR)

Color measurement of recyclates in the recycling process
(Color differentiation of recyclates)



Sistemas de sensores para a indústria de reciclagem de plástico
Medição de cor de reciclados



Artigo especializado:

Testing Recyclates Directly during Injection Molding and Extrusion
NIR Process for the Inline Inspection of Recycled Plastics ()
Plastics Insights 3/2024


Livros brancos:

Sensor systems for recyclate control in the plastics industry for laboratory and inline use ()
Checking the plastic type of recyclates and virgin material using NIR technology ()


Novos aplicações:

Detecção de mossas e amolgadelas em fitas de punção metálicas
(N° 801)

Distinção de componentes interiores de couro e plástico
(N° 802)
Medição de cor das tampas plásticas
(N° 803)


... tensão superficial?
... evaporação de óleo?
... a medição da espessura da
    camada de óleo?


Novo software:

SPECTRO3-MSM-DIG-Scope V1.5 (2021.10.20)



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